CleanMax Environmental Social Governance

Environmental Social Governance

CleanMax integrates ESG into its business to advance sustainability, prioritizing cost-effective renewable energy solutions for a high-performance future.

Our ESG framework enables us to grow sustainably, allowing us to have a positive impact on our people, the environments, and communities within which we work. We strive to have a long-lasting impact through our ambitious ESG (sustainability) commitments and targets set out in our ESG (Sustainability) framework, and we hold ourselves accountable for our sustainability commitments through metrics and measurement.

Materiality Assessment: Key Focus Areas at CleanMax

ESG Roadmap

Aligning with our corporate vision, the business strategy governs approach to sustainability and outlines our contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

At CleanMax, engaging with our stakeholders continuously and strategically is extremely crucial. It is necessary to promote inclusive growth and to work towards improving our business methods and performance. Stakeholders help us assess the relevance and importance of a variety of pre-determined sustainability challenges for our firm.

We collaborated with all stakeholders to build our ESG Framework and Roadmap, which includes concrete actions and key performance indicators. This comprehensive framework encompasses the whole firm, going beyond supply chain and production. We are convinced that each member of the organization has a role to play to help us reach our ambition. Additionally, we follow the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and are proud of our contributions in line with this widely recognized framework.

1. Care for The Planet

To enhance the environment CleanMax is stepping towards becoming carbon neutral and to maximise efficient, sustainable resource use

  • Achieving Net Zero by 2030
  • Water Neutral- 100% sites by 2030
  • Zero waste to landfill
  • No net loss - Biodiversity

2. Building Trust in the Communities

By fostering and maintaining responsible practices and safety performance in the operations through meaningful stakeholder engagement, CleanMax aims to create values in the society

  • Zero Harm - High standards of safety (Zero injury)
  • Enhancing productivity by upskilling and reskilling employees
  • Transforming Lives and Landscapes through Social and economic development (SED) activities
  • Employee engagement and development Program
  • Encourage workplace diversity and inclusion
  • Customer Focus

3. Robust Governance

With the robust governance through 100% transparency, accountability, diversity and safety, CleanMax is striving to maintain the reputation in the market

  • Zero Incidents in Ethics and Integrity
  • Robust legal and regulatory compliance
  • Responsible Supply chain management evaluate supplier/ vendor on ESG requirements
  • Innovation
  • Protection of Human Rights

ESG Policies

Our ESG policies are focused on nurturing the environment, communities, robust governance and stakeholder engagement.


CleanMax aspires to become the sustainability partner of choice for private users while living up to its own sustainability goals. As an organization for whom sustainability and growth are two sides of the same coin, we are dedicated to delivering good environmental performance and helping our customers meet 100% of their energy needs through renewable energy. We aim to practice responsible and sustainable business by integrating environment protection as a key component in our decision-making and operational process. At CleanMax, we identify, evaluate, mitigate, and make constant endeavors to avoid leaving any adverse impact of our activities on the environment in which we operate.

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We aspire to build greater trust among our people by fostering meaningful relationships with all our employees and undertaking responsible business practices. As a renewable energy company, our employees understand how their contribution can impact the lives of millions for a better tomorrow. This is why we ensure that our employees are provided with a conducive environment and learning opportunities at the workplace that helps them deliver value. In addition, we want to build stronger relationships with the local communities in which we do business since we feel that our success would be incomplete if it weren't for the equality and prosperity enjoyed by all of our stakeholders. Through our work in community development, education, health & sanitation, and environmental conservation and restoration, we want to have a beneficial impact on society.

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Robust Governance

A robust governance system attributes a steady foundation for an effective management system. At Cleanmax, we adhere to a strong governance attitude in all the forms of behavior. We believe that to generate values for our clients and develop a sustainable strategy for the organization, it is imperative to integrate corporate governance and ethical behavior in our business model.

We focus on governance-related matters such as Compliance Management, Ethics, Integrity & Transparency, Risk Management, Asset Management, Innovation & Technology Adoption, and Economic Performance based on our materiality evaluation.

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Health & Safety

Our Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) architecture is based on the People, Process, and Performance (PPP) model. We believe that these three criteria are intertwined and will assist the company achieve its Business objectives. We have incorporated effective HSE procedures into every aspect of our operations. This is backed by an HSE platform based on process-specific risk assessments, deployment of controls, management tools and best practices in and around our activities. We adhere to the ISO 45001:2018 standard for occupational health and safety management.

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Our ESG Performance

ESG Performance | Cleanmax

Infrastructure Asset Benchmark

5-Star rating and an overall score of 99%

(100% scores in 11 of the 12 categories)

Rated 23rd (out of 681) in global assets
No. 2 in the world for renewable energy
(out of 53)
No. 1 in Asia (out of 9)

No. 1 in the management component among the 685 assets surveyed worldwide

ESG Performance | Cleanmax

Infrastructure Asset Benchmark

4-Star Rating with Score 93 out of 100

(vs. GRESB Average 79 & Peer Average 75)

5th out of 40 Photovoltaic Power Generation | Maintenance & Operation

2nd out of 21 GRESB 5th Renewable Power: Solar Power Generation | Asia

ESG Performance | Cleanmax

Infrastructure Asset Benchmark

4-Star Rating with Score 85 out of 100

(vs. GRESB Average 72 & Peer Average 80)

12th out of 24 Photovoltaic Power Generation | Maintenance & Operation

4th out of 7 GRESB 5th Renewable Power: Solar Power Generation | Asia


CleanMax Annual ESG Report
FY 2023-2024

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CleanMax Annual ESG Report
FY 2022-2023

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CleanMax Annual ESG Report
FY 2021-2022

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Limited Assurance Report (GHG)
April 2018 to March 2021.

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ESG in Action

Few activities at CleanMax:

Few activities at CleanMax:

Few activities at CleanMax:

ESG Goals

Our ESG Framework and Policies allowed CleanMax to contribute to many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs) with the following goals being most notable: